Diplomatic efforts to settle

Diplomatic efforts to settle the conflict brought little progress. The two sides fought another war in 2020 that lasted six weeks before a Russian-brokered cease-fire, resulting in Armenia losing control over parts of the region and the seven adjacent districts. The two sides started negotiations over a full resolution of the conflict but, in 2023,

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British media have already

of the warned of a ‘Brexit retreat’, and despite Labour’s win of 411 out of 650 seats, it knows its popularity cannot be taken for granted. Thus, Labour’s strategy is one of cautious pragmatism – focusing on modest trade adjustments, a shift towards a “home-grown” economy with industrial subsidies and shortened supply chains, and a q

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languished since the financial

The United Kingdom’s (UK) productivity has languished since the financial crisis, and Brexit continues to weigh heavily on the economy trimming as much as 3 percent of the UK’s GDP, complicating any efforts to re-engage with the European Union (EU) without expending significant diplomatic and political capital Brexit and the EU, the spectre tha

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as businesses and governments

Supply chain decarbonisation is another pivotal trend in 2024, as businesses and governments endeavour to minimise their carbon footprints. Trade policies are being restructured to incentivise the adoption of renewable energy sources and to curtail emissions throughout the supply chain. Nevertheless, this transition presents significant challenges,

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Vice President Kamala Harris

Under the leadership of the Biden administration, and potentially Vice President Kamala Harris, the United States continues to emphasise economic decoupling from China, with a focus on strengthening domestic industries and forming trade alliances with like-minded nations. This approach has led to the establishment of trade coalitions, such as the I

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